Monday 27 May 2024

A cruise on the Tiber!

 Sunday 26 May Rome Visit

So we have come to Rome for a few days! Today we have walked from our Airbnb half a mile to the Vatican, having breakfast on the way. John had a full English and so was not hungry later, unlike Liana! St Peter’s Square was just clearing after the Whit Sunday appearance by The Pope. Police, Red Cross and army were busy. 

We took a river cruise on the Tiber.

We carried on to the Capitoline Hill where the Musei are situated, then looked over at the Roman Forum. You could view both the Palatine Hill (emperor’s palace area) and the Colosseum behind it. 

Later, we had pizza and watched the final stage of the Giro d’Italia cycle race zoom past us, with loads of police bikes and cars, plus support teams blaring past. It was exciting.

Later, we walked the mile to the railway station, Roma Termini, to wait for our daughter Sarah to arrive from Florence. We eventually got home after adventures finding taxis, buses etc!

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